The Polar Bear Swing Earrings

The Polar Bear Swing Earrings

Regular price $285.00

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Polar Bear Spirit Animal comes to your aid when you feel faint of heart. The challenges in life can often overwhelm. Polar Bear saturates your aura with renewed courage and self-determination. Nothing intimidates Polar Bear.

Another reason Polar Bear may come to call is if you are beginning efforts in Astral Travel. As a Shaman, Polar Bear knows well the path between the worlds. The Bear can guide you and keep you safe in your journey.

If everything in your life seems chaotic, Polar Bear reminds you to find a quiet haven. Silence is a great healer. This time-out also serves as a grounding force where you can get your feet under you again.

The Bear is also a Guide showing you how to take responsibility for your life or other people’s lives. People fear and admire Polar Bear for its strength. Its presence inspires respect. Its strength and powerful stature will inspire you to step into a leadership role in your life and act without fear.